Home Public Info Survey Says: Most Women Consider Money Than Good Looks

Survey Says: Most Women Consider Money Than Good Looks

Survey Says: Most Women Consider Money Than Good Looks
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In a study conducted by The Filipino Times, they deem it that most Filipino women prefer men with resources that can sustain the needs of the family. The looks are just secondary criteria and it shows that most Filipino women are practical to find an ideal man.

In an online poll “Tanong ng Bayan”, some women commented that financial security is their priority when planning to find a man and settle. If an individual is financially secured, it would be easier to undergo plastic surgery to achieve good looks. Otherwise, if they will choose a good-looking man who is not financially stable, their family may suffer.

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Financial capacity plays a significant role in every family. It is important that the man is financially stable especially if the woman depends on his partner. How can a man support and sustain his family if he doesn’t have work and earning for a living?

Men are looking for fertile and healthy women. They want to ensure that the woman can bear high-quality offsprings. Most men also look for women who have the quality not only as a wife but also a mother to their children.

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However, the differences in the preferences of women in choosing a partner depend on the present social organization. The character of a person should be a priority in choosing a partner. The money and the looks are useless if the character of the individual is bad.

Choosing a partner with bad character will make the relationship suffer and worse may end up breaking the family. Good looks can be an advantage in terms of career because many job offers are looking for applicants with a good-looking personality.

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When choosing a partner, character, financial stability, and looks are essential. But the most important thing is there must be love and commitment between partners. This way, they can overcome any adversities that may come through their lives. The bottom line of choosing a perfect partner for life is to choose the one you truly love despite the looks and financial capability. source: Psychology Today.The Filipino Times

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